About Us
From their 17 years of real estate experience, the Choice Group has helped many empty nesters and seniors with their transactions. Being able to service the real estate needs of kupuna involves working with many local professionals in such areas as estate planning and medicare to senior living facilities and home organization. In 2015 they created KupunaWiki.com to make their referral network available to those seeking qualified professionals in areas of health, finance, senior housing, estate planning and real estate. Since then the resource has grown to provide a wide range of information which is pertinent to our local senior community. KupunaWiki also holds monthly classes to showcase their service partners and to allow kupuna to learn from these qualified professionals on a personal basis. KupunaWiki Radio is the latest step in a desire to help educate and reach our kupuna to truly make Hawaii the best place for seniors to live. The vision of KupunaWiki is to be Hawaii’s Senior Resource.
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