Charles Trinh

Function Works Fitness

Summary of Services:

Individual Personal Training
  • For individuals looking for one on one attention and or may have a special medical condition that needs direct one on one supervision.
Semi Private Personal Training
  • For individuals looking to workout in a small group setting that do not have any special medical conditions. Classes are conducted in small groups to ensure proper form and technique are not lost. (Individuals looking to increase fitness levels, drop body fat, and improve health)
Athletic Performance Enhancement
  • FunctionWorks Fitness is in the business of building a solid athletic foundation for the athlete while being focused on their individual goals. Our program is a combination of scientifically backed program design that includes instruction in proper movement skills development, rehab, injury reduction methods, sports speed agility and quickness, power development, strength development, and energy system conditioning. Athletes are supervised during each workout and attention  is always being paid to proper lifting technique and safety.

Corporate Fitness Programs (Please contact for more info)
General Public Lectures and Workshops (Please contact for more info)
Professional Lectures and Workshops (Please contact for more info)
  • Lectures and workshops geared toward professionals in personal training, strength and conditioning, physical therapy, athletic training, Medical Doctors, and massage therapy.


Anatomy and Physiology
Kapiolani Community College
4303 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, HI 96816
-­Duties include comprehensive teaching and testing of Anatomy and Physiology along with relevant system lab for students.

2008 to Present
American College of Sports Medicine Lecturer
Fitness Resource Associates
74 Crescent Road
Needham, MA 02494
-­Duties include providing American College of Sports Medicine personal trainer and continuing workshops locally and nationally.
January 2006 to Present
FunctionWorks Fitness
2909 Waialae Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96826
-­Duties include overseeing the FunctionWorks Fitness business, exercise consultations, exercise program development, lectures, and movement assessments.
August 2003 to August 2007
Personal Trainer Nuuanu YMCA
1441 Pali Highway
Honolulu, HI 96813
-­Duties include designing resistance and cardiovascular exercise programs, fitness assessments, group exercise programs and supervising the weight room floor.

Contact Information: